MCS Members Archive - MCS Group

Leonard Murphy

With over 20 years of high visibility leadership roles in the Market Research industry Leonard ‚”Lenny” Murphy is widely considered one of the most influential insights & analytics industry thought leaders and advisors in the world. As the CEO of several successful companies, most notably full-service agency Rockhopper Research, tech-driven start-up BrandScan360, CSO of data-privacy platform Veriglif, Board Member at Savio RXC and Founding Partner of strategic consultancy Gen2 Advisors his experience is vast and sought after. He is a tireless advocate for innovation in the insights industry, a dedicated supporter of building great win/win relationships, and a big believer in just generally trying to be helpful whenever and wherever he can.

As the father of 6, including 5 daughters, he is intensely focused on women’s health issues and health freedom topics in general. In 2022 he and his family embraced organic homesteading on a deeply rural property in KY.

Jill Newman, MS

Jill Newman is a passionate researcher/mathematician for truth in health-related issues for humanity and especially women’s health issues. She is an experienced research analyst/Biostatistician for over 17 years and was lead author or co-author for 68 published peer- reviewed manuscripts in reputable medical journals. She has worked on both epidemiological studies and randomized clinical trials in two major us academic institutions and programs in several different statistical software languages.

In addition to her research accomplishments, Jill has taught mathematics and statistics in community college, university and medical school settings. With bachelor and master of science degrees in applied mathematics and a b. S. P. Degree in child development and business, Jill was also a small business owner for five years. Jill is active in her community in both social and civil organizations.

Jill’s dedication to providing truth in health outcomes/methodologies and medical health freedom is driven by her devotion to her 3 children, 2 daughters-in-law and 2 grandchildren.

Dr. Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup, M.D., visionary pioneer in women’s health, is a board-certified OB/GYN with more than thirty years of clinical experience, former assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, and three-time New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age. In 2013, Reader’s Digest named Dr. Northrup one of the “100 Most Trusted People in America.” In 2016, she was named one of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul 100, a group of leaders who are using their voices and talent to awaken humanity. And in 2020 & 2021, she was included in the Watkins Spiritual 100, a list of living people that make a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale.

Internationally known for her empowering approach, Dr. Northrup embraces medicine that acknowledges the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit, and teaches women to create health by tuning into their inner wisdom. After decades spent transforming women’s understanding of their sacred bodies and processes, Dr. Northrup now teaches women to thrive at every stage of life. 

As a business owner, physician, former surgeon, mother, writer, speaker, and, according to Miriam Ava Ph.D., a “rebel, rock star and authority on what can go right with the female body,” Dr. Northrup acknowledges our individual and collective capacity for growth, freedom, joy, and balance. 

Dr. Northrup has also hosted eight highly successful public-television specials, and her work has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, 20/20, and The Dr. Oz Show, among many others. Since March 2020, Dr Northrup has worked on the front lines of medical freedom which her colleague Kevin Jenkins, CEO of Urban Global Health, refers to as the “civil rights movement of the 21st century.”

Don’t miss Dr. Northrup’s cutting-edge information. Join her worldwide community on, Facebook, Twitter, MeWe, Telegram and Rumble.

Maureen McDonnell

Maureen McDonnell was a holistic pediatric RN for more than 40 years. After working in Labor and Delivery, Pediatrics, and teaching natural childbirth classes for 13 years, in 1990, she began organizing conferences focused on Natural Ways to Raise Healthy Kids in a Toxic World.  For 10 years she was the National Coordinator of the Defeat Autism Now! Conferences. 

Maureen also served as the Health Editor of WNC Woman Magazine for 7 years.  In 2008 she cofounded Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet ( and for 3 years, she was the Medical Coordinator of the Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer in New Mexico. 

In 2019 Maureen called together 52 thought-leaders from various like-minded organizations for a 3-day mountain retreat summit with the explicit intention of building collaboration, strength, and effectiveness within the Vaccine Risk Aware and Health Freedom Movement. 

As a result of this summit, Maureen founded Millions Against Mandates. MAM is an organization that works in collaboration with many health freedom groups to create summits, webinars, educational videos, documentaries, toolkits, articles and research designed to educate, equip and empower Millions to advance health freedom and create a freer, saner and healthier future.    

Maureen interviews many of the leaders in the health and freedom movement in her podcast Fiercely Pursing the Truth.  All can be found at

Maureen lives with her husband in the mountains of western North Carolina and is the grandmother of 12 grandkids.

Sue Peters, PhD

Sue Peters is a developmental cognitive neuroscientist with a strong research interest in the area of exposomic or environmental impacts on developmental brain health. In October 2017, Sue completed her doctorate in the Behavioral and Neural Sciences Graduate Program at the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience at Rutgers University – Newark. She received funding from the NIH, NSF, Salk Institute, and the crowdfunding scientific research organization, for her research. Sue received her undergraduate degree in Computer Science, from the Grove School of Engineering at City College of New York in 2008, which was a continuation of her studies in biomedical engineering over a decade prior, having left academia to co-found a startup technology company in 1999.

Her research focus has been primarily in the characterization of infant brain rhythms during sleep using high resolution electroencephalography (EEG). Her work is focused on the development of neurophysiologic, autonomic and circadian sleep patterns during infancy, and how they are related to brain development and in particular myelination patterns, and later cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Specific microstructural components of infant sleep are thought to represent active brain development and information processing and gaining a better understanding of these features may contribute to more powerful diagnostic tools, or biomarkers of, interventions for and prevention of developmental disorders in the future. Sue has also had a long career in mobile technology, business development, with several startup companies and has also applied her experience exploring how safe mobile sensing technologies could allow for more ethological and continuous measures of individual variability across development, particularly as it applies to measures of sleep.

Sue spent 18 months as a member of the inaugural class of fellows, as a Senior Science Fellow at the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), working on various research projects, including My Cycle Story projects, writing for the Defender, and teaching science seminars to the fellows and staff at CHD.

In general, her experience in various industries including wireless technology, pharmaceutical, academic research, both private and public or federal funding of scientific research, and medical health freedom, provides a unique foundation as a contributor to the mission of My Cycle Story.

Heather Ray

Originally from Alaska, Heather is a devoted mother of five amazing children and the wife a

wonderful husband. She joined the MyCycleStory team in January 2022 and collaborated closely with amazing colleagues from Children’s Health Defense and MyCycleStory, coauthoring two peer-reviewed scientific studies. She is the Science and Research Administrator for Children’s Health Defense and contributes to the science department through administrative assistance, scientific research, and writing for variety of projects that focus on vaccine safety, childhood health, and medical freedom. Her background is in therapeutic massage, biology, and sociology. 

Heather has a passion for being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and has been a strong voice for children in her community, relentlessly advocating for freedom against medical mandates within the public school system. She has advocated in public forum for her son, who has Down syndrome, and his rights in accordance with the American with Disability Act (ADA), Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and has volunteered for several non-profits and in various special needs classroom settings. Heather homeschools her three youngest children and enjoys spending time with her family, fishing, baking and training Brazilian jiujitsu.

Tiffany Parotto

Tiffany Parotto is an accomplished marketing and strategy leader who has made significant contributions across various industries. As the Founder of MyCycleStory, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, she is dedicated to empowering women’s health and fertility through independent research and impactful projects. With a passion for health and change-driven organizations, 

Tiffany has amassed over a decade of experience, spearheading global campaigns to raise awareness, educate, and inspire individuals on critical health and well-being matters of our time.

As a seasoned messaging and communication design storyteller, Tiffany has been instrumental in developing grassroots initiatives, digital campaigns, virtual and in-person events, legislative efforts, and content creation. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.

With a deep-rooted commitment to her two daughters, Tiffany is motivated to create a better future for them and for all children.